Who We Are
Gathered by Grace
We are a community of faith, based in Montgomery, Alabama and engaging virtually across the country, gathered by Christ, growing spiritually, serving our community, getting to know our neighbor, welcoming all, and sharing the Good News of Jesus.
We GATHER in fellowship with other Christians, reaching to the margins to include all.
We GROW spiritually as we engage our world through a theological lens as people of faith, exploring how God is speaking and active in our world today.
We GO into the world to share the Good News of Jesus, as we strive to live the love of Christ in our words and actions, loving and serving our neighbor.

Meet Our Leader
Rev. Tiffany C. Chaney

Rev. Tiffany C. Chaney is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). In January 2016, she moved back to Montgomery, AL to explore opportunities to develop new ministry with people in the greater Montgomery, Alabama, returning to the area from Boston, Massachusetts where she developed a congregation, The Intersection. Since that time, Gathered by Grace’s virtual ministry has blossomed to include people across the country.
Pastor Tiffany’s hope is to engage people in authentic ministry that helps us come to know and grow in our relationship with Christ, enlivens us spiritually, meets us where we are in our current season of life, and allows for theological discernment reflective of God’s grace for all. She wants to see people, empowered by the love of Christ, go out to make a difference in the River Region and beyond.
Would you like to connect with Gathered by Grace? Pastor Tiffany would love to hear from you! Email: pastortiffanychaney@gmail.com

Gathered by the grace of God, we engage in authentic ministry for faith formation to grow in our relationship with Christ and each other and go out to serve with love.
In 2023, Gathered by Grace celebrated 7 years in ministry! We are grateful for the ways God has worked through this ministry to serve our community.
Faith Gatherings
• Dinner and Dialogue, which began in Montgomery, has grown to include experiences in other cities – previously Prattville, currently Birmingham.
• Online Bible Study, which began in our second year, is now a primary gathering space for our community.
• GBG Prays, hosted quarterly, offers a virtual community prayer experience.
Holistic Ministry
• Caring for the whole self, Gathered by Grace has offering nutrition, cooking, and fitness classes through our Body and Soul Ministry.
• We are grateful to financial professional Joshua Byrd who has offered financial workshops and conversations for our members and Life Happens Fund recipients.
• Our annual Vision Board Party, virtual book discussions, game nights, outings to Alabama Shakespeare Festival and more have been a fun time to engage socially.
Community Outreach
- Through our Life Happens Fund, we have provided $40,671 to support people experiencing financial emergencies.
- We have donated to supported disaster relief efforts in the Flatwood community.
- Our Caring at Christmas initative has offered gifts for 32 kids
- We supported education and literacy by:
- Establishing three Little Libraries
- Donating $5,500 in books to schools
- Providing school supplies for classrooms
- Donating belts, socks, and professional attire for the Lanier High clothes closet
- Offering treats for teachers and staff at Wares Ferry Elementary
- Donating gift cards for Montgomery Public Schools appreciation
- Participating in the Alabama State University Mental Health Fair
• In partnership with Women of Refined Gold and BeYouTiful Boutique, we co-hosted the Walk a Mile In Her Shoes domestic violence awareness event.
• Gathered by Grace partnered with Quiet Storm Outreach to provide personal care items for our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

Gathered by Grace is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). To learn more about what we believe, visit: http://www.elca.org/Faith
Life Happens Fund
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Welcome to Gathered by Grace!
We’re thrilled to meet you and be a part of your spiritual journey! Whether you are located in Montgomery or Birmingham, Alabama, where we meet in person, or whether you are located anywhere around the world and would like to connect with us virtually in our online community, there's a place for you at Gathered by Grace. If you're just beginning to explore your faith or searching for a community to grow in, we're here to embrace you with open arms.